One of THOSE moms…

There are two groups of people on social media that see me making much use of the new “eye roll” emoji on my iPhone. First culprits are the ones constantly bombarding us with displays of their “perfect” relationships. We get it, you’re in Turtle Dove and feel the need to justify it to the world on a daily basis – or yourself – but that’s none of my business and certainly a discussion for another day 🙂

The second group is made up of those “picture perfect” mothers who have perfect kids that eat absolutely anything placed in front of them; while finding the time to shape their broccoli and carrots into little piglets or trains ala Pinterest. You know who you are! And I see right through you! I roll my eyes at you …. because I am so envious of you!

On a serious note, if you are lucky enough to have kids with healthy appetites for healthy food, you should count your blessings and you’re certainly the envy of moms everywhere – like me.

In my home I have to dig deep to find creative ways to get my boys to eat as healthy as possible. I have the added disadvantage of a set of boys that don’t enjoy the kinds of food most kids their age do, like Mielies (corn on the cob), mash potato and bolognaise; not even pasta with homemade cheese sauce and bacon!

What my boys DON’T eat is junk food. No KFC, MacDonalds, Burger King or any take out of that kind. In fact, they have never been exposed to those foods and I plan on keeping it that way for as long as I can. The only take out they enjoy on the odd occasion is pizza and I battle to get them to eat that. My focus is always to try limit the amount of refined sugar they get through foods that we think are safe to eat, but aren’t. Healthy fats and full cream dairy options are so readily available and so much better for their little bodies. Regulated blood sugar levels mean calmer and happier children in my home.

Like most kids, they are more receptive to sweeter foods so this past weekend I decided to give a few paleo recipes a shot. I must say, the dishes turned out great and my boys really enjoyed them.

Head over to my recipe page where you’ll find recipes for healthy choc chip banana bread and honey lemon paleo coconut pancakes – gluten free of course. These are not just for the kids, they’re perfect healthier alternatives to some classic favourites, so give them a try and let me know what you think!


“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol says:

    Sonia, your story is amazing and really inspired me. I just gave birth on the 18th April to a beautiful baby boy weighing 3.78kg (C-section). I am currently working on getting back to my normal weight and needing a bit of encouragement.

    I am fairly active, have 3 comrades medals under my name. But I have never gotten to my goal weight. I have always been a size 36 because I sometimes comfort eat. I plan to get serious after I get the go ahead from my doctor in 3 weeks from today.

    Good luck and keep up the good work 🙂

    Carol Tefu


    1. Sonia Matos says:

      Hi Carol

      I would love to connect with you and help you on your journey. I will pop you an email shortly 🙂



    2. Sonia Matos says:

      Hi Carol
      Do you have an email address I can contact you on?


      1. Carol says:

        Hello there… Sorry I have been away. Glad you saw my email. I am available on 071 852 1686 if you are able to call me


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